Divine Commission
Health is as important to man as life itself. This is because all of life`s beauty and the fulfilment of man`s dreams are lost when he`s ensnarled with sickness, disease and infirmity.
It is true, medical science, in spite of its advanced researches, exciting discoveries and cutting-edge technology, still lacks the cure for many diseases that affect people today. Many people are dying from terminal diseases and are desperately in need of help medical science can`t provide. Families have also been impoverished and stigmatized by the scourge of HIV/
AIDS, cancer, Arthritis, mental and generic disorders and other such dread diseases.
AIDS, cancer, Arthritis, mental and generic disorders and other such dread diseases.
This is the reason God made divine health and healing available to man free! The solution to this grave need of man can only be divine and God has reposed it in his Church, for He instructed us to “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils...”
(See Matthew 10:7-8).
The Gospels are replete with accounts of Jesus healing the sick, casting out devils and raising the dead (see Matthew 4:24; Mark 6:56).
That same healing power of Christ is still available in our world today and it is operational through His Church.
That same healing power of Christ is still available in our world today and it is operational through His Church.
Jesus said: “Go ye into the entire world, and preach the gospel to all creatures. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up on serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” (Mark 16:15—18).
"This book elaborates factors of ineffective and effective healing ministry. It`s a powerful key to unlock the supernatural realms of heavens.It`s is well researched , powerful and outstanding.
Read this book and you will be empowered to walk in the healing anointing. "

I can see great revival moving to Europe, Great Britain in particular . Mighty Miracles and Sings and wonders taking place in the days to come ! I see multitude of Angels being released in huge dimension. I see Fire and Glory ! Lives will be changed and restored as never before. Hearken the Voice of God all ye people ! Pray for the revival ! This is the season! This is your season !
These are days when we need to have our faith strengthened, when we need to know God. God has designed that the just shall live by faith. Any man can be changed by faith, no matter how he may be fettered. I know that God's word is sufficient. One word from Him can change a nation. His word is from everlasting to everlasting. It is through the entrance of this everlasting Word, this incorruptible seed, that we are born again, and come into this wonderful salvation. Man cannot live by bread alone, but must live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. This is the food of faith. "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."We have a wonderful God, a God whose ways are past finding out, and whose grace and power are limitless.
I believe there are a great many people who would be healed, but they are harboring things in their hearts that are as a blight. Let these things go. Forgive, and the Lord will forgive you. There are many good people, people that mean well, but they have no power to do anything for God. There is just some little thing that came in their hearts years ago, and their faith has been paralyzed ever since. Bring everything to the light. God will sweep it all away if you will let Him. Let the precious blood of Christ cleanse from all sin. If you will but believe, God will meet you and bring into your lives the sunshine of His love.
The Secret Place
God has chosen every believer to be a broker of his presence and everything about us is designed to know God. Everything about us awakens to God`s presence because we`re wired to Him by the Holy Spirit. Becoming born again restores us to God`s original intent. When we`re in his presence, the impossible becomes intimated by the glory that invades our tangible realm, then we become no longer impressed by the works of the enemy.
That is why; God wants you to draw closer to Him today as never before. He wants to minister directly to you. The Secret place is where you belong. It`s a place of Fellowship with the Heavenly Father. Intimacy always brings Fruitfulness. Matthew 6:6
You Can`t Quit Now !
That is why; God wants you to draw closer to Him today as never before. He wants to minister directly to you. The Secret place is where you belong. It`s a place of Fellowship with the Heavenly Father. Intimacy always brings Fruitfulness. Matthew 6:6
You Can`t Quit Now !
Trials come and trial go but it's all a part of this lifes flow. Sometimes you may feel bruised, battered and scorned, but with faith and with confidence keep moving on. At times being tired will be yourlament, just know in your heart that you cannot quit. You've come too far to turn back now, and in retrospect you don't even know how.
How you made it to this place, to this space in time, please stay focused and bear this in mind. "Some things don't come easy and sometimes not too quick, keep trusting in God because in life there's no quick fix". Keep on moving,you're closer than you think!
How you made it to this place, to this space in time, please stay focused and bear this in mind. "Some things don't come easy and sometimes not too quick, keep trusting in God because in life there's no quick fix". Keep on moving,you're closer than you think!
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